Fails : sudo filebeat setup --dashboards -e (

Hi all ,

My problem is ...

Exiting: error connecting to Kibana: fail to get the Kibana version: HTTP GET request to fails: fail to execute the HTTP GET request: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers). Response: .


host: ""
username: "xxxxxx"
password: "xxxxxx"

kibana domain

Hey @zero.lim, welcome to discuss :slight_smile:

Umm, it seems that it is using default kibana port (5601) instead of the 443 default HTTPS port. Could you try with this configuration?

  host: ""
  username: "xxxxxx"
  password: "xxxxxx"

What version of filebeat are you using?

Did filebeat setup work with this url?

Oh sorry, my mistake, you also need to remove the path, so you only specify the host:

  host: ""
  username: "xxxxxx"
  password: "xxxxxx"

I solved my problem thanks

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