Faster way to count maximum cardinality?

I am collecting metadata on properties:


The first is cardinality, which helps decide if using terms aggregation is a reasonable thing to do. The second is "multi" which counts the number of terms a single document property can have. These "multi-valued" properties must be treated different from single-values properties when aggregating.

{"script":"doc[\"task.dependencies\"].values.size()"} is slow. Is there a faster way to detect if a property has been given more-than-one value?

Thank you

Since it is uncommon for single-valued properties to suddenly have multiple values, and multi-valued properties are commonly multi-valued (like text type), then I need not scan all the data; performing this aggregation on only a recent subset. I make a new index for each week of data. I chose a property that limits my query to recent data. I assume the script is only executed on a single index (or two), rather than all indexes. This reduces the script workload, and the query runs faster.


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