Fetch .kibana indices that end with integer

Hi everyone

I want to only fetch those kibana indices that end with integer like this .kibana_1, .kibana_2 etc I know how to fetch all indices that start with .kibana text using following curl command that I have typed below

curl -k -u username:password -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices/.kibana*"

But i want to find only those indices that have this pattern .kibana_<integer_value>. For example, if i have following kibana indices in elasticsaerch


I want to fetch the details of only kibana indices that match this pattern .kibana_<integer_value> Can anyone please guide me is there any way to achieve this thing? What changes i should make in the url that i provide in curl command to achieve this. Kindly guide me. I am very thankful to you.

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