Fetch the Count of specific keywords in the log message

Hi Team,

Can any help on this please?

I have a requirement to capture the count of specific keywords ( i.e Exception types) from the log file and should visualize in bar/pie.

and the keywords are some where in the messages and not in a particular pattern.

how to achieve this?

Nikhilesh Gade


The question seems a bit broad to give concrete solutions... You should add as much detail as possible to be able to receive better help.

Can you add examples of actual log lines and keywords you have to search?
Do the keywords follow a coherent format?
Do you have to capture a fixed list of keywords or any unknown one that follow the expected format, like "WhateverUnknownException"
Do you work with multiline logs?
The keywords appear only once per log line or multiple keywords can be present in the same line?

Given the responses to these questions, maybe a simple logstash processing can be applied to extract a keyword to a dedicated field whenever it's present, add tags or any other solution.

In the simplest approaches, even an easy (but probably less efficient) kibana visualization can be built using filters aggregation that separates the required terms without any input processing.

Thanks andres for the reply.

I have applied filter option in type and added a query to get the count of a specific key word from the message.

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