Field name resolution for highlighting

I want to highlight multiple fields. Field names have a pattern so I use wildcards. I want to apply one set of settings for all fields foo* but override some settings for fields foobar*. Is there a way to achieve this?

The code below works and fields foobar* are not fragmented.

"highlight": {
	"fields": {
		"foo*": {
			"number_of_fragments": 1,
			"fragment_size": 20
		"foobar*": {
			"number_of_fragments": 0

But for the code below, fields foobar* are not fragmented too.

"highlight": {
	"fields": {
		"foo*": {
			"number_of_fragments": 0			
		"foobar*": {
			"number_of_fragments": 1,
                        "fragment_size": 20

I'm not sure how settings are overridden in these cases. Of course, as per JSON spec, ordering of fields is immaterial. Should I assume that overriding of this kind is not supported? But if it is supported, I would want to know.