File creates empty sincedb file and no data is processed

I'm sure there is a logical reason for this. I have a file that is parsed most of the times but sometimes it is not. I have deleted the sincedb file pattern for this file multiple times, tried setting the "sincedb_path" to "/dev/null" also, but no data is processed from this file. I have run Logstash in Debug mode, and im able to see that no actual data from the file is processed, even though a sincedb file for this is created but it is empty. Any ideas on what could be causing this. Also, I am not able to see any errors in any of the Logstash logs. Any ideas are very much appreciated guys, thanks.

Are there new lines added to the file?
Logstash will only look for new lines and not process old ones, even if sincedb_path is set to /dev/null.
If you want to read the whole file again, you can temporarily set start_position => "beginning" , as documented here.

How are you re-parsing the file? IOW, how is the same file getting new content?

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