Filebeat >5.4: Apply geoip only if a IP field exists

I listen to my app with a filebeat that watches the application logs. To parse my custom log lines, I have a pipeline in my elasticsearch _ingest.

Some of the lines have a IP address, some others have not. I want to geoip the IP address. but it seems to fail. How can I run the geoip only if there is a IP field? I have tried:

any solution? I cannot imagine I have to use logstash?

Here is my pipeline

    "processors": [
        "grok": {
          "field": "message",
          "patterns": [
            "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate},... %{LOGLEVEL:level} +~ %{EMAILLOCALPART:who}@%{HOSTNAME:company} ..%{IPORHOST:ip}..: .....%{URIPATHPARAM:route} performed in %{INT:req_ms:int} ms",
            "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate},... %{LOGLEVEL:level} +~ perfutils layout#%{INT:decode_layout:int} msg#%{INT:decode_msg:int} decode:%{INT:decode_ms:int}ms IFTs:%{INT:ifts_ms:int}ms",
            "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate},... %{LOGLEVEL:level} +~ %{GREEDYDATA:text}"
        "geoip" : {
          "field" : "ip"

Hi @dao,

It looks like you could use the ignore_missing setting from the geoip processor?

Best regards

great, I missed this one!

Olivier Dao Hodac

+33 6 76 81 54 11

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