Filebeat 6.2.1 Dashboard errors: Could not locate that index-pattern-field

I'm trying to replicate what was possible with ELK 2.x in 6.2.1.

I tried to create indexes and dashboards for filebeat and topbeat, but the dashboards for filebeat end up like the screenshot above, I haven't been able to create dashboards (from templates) for topbeat, I thing the scripts are still not updated for 6.2.1.

I reinstalled everything, deleted indexes, and some other things, but haven't gone further than those errors, anybody has any idea ??

I'm following the latest instructions, by the way.

Regards !

Topbeat is discontinued and is replaced by Metricbeat.
Are you creating dashboards from scratch? Or are you using the dashboards coming with Beats and building on top of them?

Im trying to create the predesiged dashboard on filebeat with:

filebeat setup --dashboards

I will check metricbeat, thanks a lot!

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