Filebeat Azure Module Base64 Issue

Good Afternoon,

We currently get the error below when running the azure module on Filebeat 8.0.1

@timestamp":"2022-03-31T12:45:12.573Z","log.logger":"azure-eventhub input","log.origin":{"":"azureeventhub/input.go","file.line":113},"message":"illegal base64 data at input byte 84","":"filebeat","connection string":"Endpoint=sb://","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

Am I right in saying that Filebeat only supports standard Base64 and not URL Safe Base64, thus causing an issue with the - in the endpoint URL?

If this is the case then is it just a case of redoing the Eventhub namespace without the - in the name or is there another solution to this?

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I have the same issue. So removing the '-' from the event hub name can solve the issue ?


Yes found that this resolved the issue.

Filebeat uses standard Base64 in which the '-' is not a valid character.
Change the Namespace to without the - and it all works.

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Thanks a lot !

I removed the '-' but il still doesn't work. My error is "illegal base64 data at input byte 24"

Any suggestions please ? Thanks

Can you supply the Error message you're seeing, should hopefully provide some better insight into the differences between our setups.

Yes of course:

{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2022-04-05T15:29:13.352Z","log.logger":"azure-eventhub input","log.origin":{"":"azureeventhub/input.go","file.line":113},"message":"illegal base64 data at input byte 24","":"filebeat","connection string":"Endpoint=sb://","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

Any clues ? I don't understand the illegal base64 data at input byte 24. How do I know where the byte 24 is ?


My issue was due to the storage account key which doesn't accept a SAS string.

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