Filebeat could not connect to logstash on SSL

Hello there,

I set up the SSL on all our ELK nodes (2 Elastinodes, L&K on another node), all work fine.
Without setting up SSL on Beat hosts, everything worked fine.
Now we were requested to set up the SSL/TLS between the Beat servers and Logstash, but ran into issues.

Here are the configuration on filebeat.yml for SSL:

  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: ["logstashhostname:5044"]
  ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/opt/keys/ChainBundle2.crt"]
  ssl.certificate: "/opt/keys/ServerCertificate.crt"
  ssl.key: "/opt/keys/xxxx-key.pem"

here is the pipeline configuration file for Beats:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
    client_inactivity_timeout => 120
    ssl => true
    ssl_certificate_authorities => ["/etc/logstash/keys/ChainBundle2.crt"]
    ssl_certificate => "/etc/logstash/keys/ServerCertificate.crt"
    ssl_key => "/etc/logstash/keys/xxxx-key.pem"
    ssl_verify_mode => "force_peer"

# The filter part of this file is commented out to indicate that it
# is optional.
# filter {
# }

output {
  elasticsearch {
    user => "logstash_ingest"
    password => "changeme"
    ssl => true
    ssl_certificate_verification => true
    cacert => "/etc/logstash/keys/ChainBundle2.crt"
    action => "index"
    hosts => ["elasticnodehostname"]
    manage_template => false
    index => "%{[@metadata][beat]}-%{[@metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    document_type => "%{[@metadata][type]}"


Here is the errors in logstash.log (there is only one filebeat connecting to logstash now for testing_:

[2018-10-16T21:16:16,593][ERROR][    ] Looks like you either have a bad certificate, an invalid key or your private key was not in PKCS8 format.
[2018-10-16T21:16:16,593][WARN ][] Failed to initialize a channel. Closing: [id: 0x396d22d0, L:/ - R:/]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File does not contain valid private key: /etc/logstash/keys/hls-201710-dxc-key.pem
        at io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContextBuilder.keyManager( ~[netty-all-4.1.18.Final.jar:4.1.18.Final]
Caused by: Neither RSA, DSA nor EC worked
        at io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext.getPrivateKeyFromByteBuffer( ~[netty-all-4.1.18.Final.jar:4.1.18.Final]
        at io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext.toPrivateKey( ~[netty-all-4.1.18.Final.jar:4.1.18.Final]
       ... 20 more
Caused by: IOException : algid parse error, not a sequence
        at ~[sunec.jar:1.8.0_181]
        at ~[?:1.8.0_181]
        at io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext.getPrivateKeyFromByteBuffer( ~[netty-all-4.1.18.Final.jar:4.1.18.Final]
        at io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext.toPrivateKey( ~[netty-all-4.1.18.Final.jar:4.1.18.Final]
        at io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContextBuilder.keyManager( ~[netty-all-4.1.18.Final.jar:4.1.18.Final]
        ... 20 more
Caused by: IOException : algid parse error, not a sequence
        at ~[?:1.8.0_181]
        at ~[?:1.8.0_181]
        at<init>( ~[sunec.jar:1.8.0_181]


Here is the errors on filebeat.log on filebeat server where we have hadoop running on:

2018-10-16T15:46:14.647-0500    INFO    log/harvester.go:251    Harvester started for file: /var/log/messages
2018-10-16T15:46:14.696-0500    INFO    pipeline/output.go:95   Connecting to backoff(async(tcp://Logstashhostname:5044))
2018-10-16T15:46:15.721-0500    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:100  Failed to connect to backoff(async(tcp://Logstashhostname:5044)): read tcp filebeatserverIP:58254->logstashserverIP:5044: read: connection reset by peer
2018-10-16T15:46:15.721-0500    INFO    pipeline/output.go:93   Attempting to reconnect to backoff(async(tcp://Logstashhostname:5044)) with 1 reconnect attempt(s)
2018-10-16T15:46:17.732-0500    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:100  Failed to connect to backoff(async(tcp://Logstashhostname:5044)): read tcp filebeatserverIP:58264->logstashserverIP:5044


Any thing that is missing or incorrect? Please help.

Thanks in advance


See the logstash logs. Logstash didn't start correctly. Filebeat is complaining about Logstash not being available.

Logstash requires you to provide the private key in PKCS8 format.

Thanks for your input:

here is what I did:

1: openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in hls-201710-dxc-key.pem -out hls-201710-dxc-pkcs8.pem

  1. use this pkcs8 format key in beat pipeline.conf as below:

input {
beats {
port => 5044
client_inactivity_timeout => 120
ssl => true
ssl_certificate_authorities => ["/opt/keys/ChainBundle2.crt"]
ssl_certificate => "/opt/keys/ServerCertificate.crt"
ssl_key => "/opt/keys/xxx-201710-xxx-pkcs8.pem"
ssl_verify_mode => "force_peer"

And use the pcks format key: xxx-201710-xxx-pkcs8.pem still the same error as below… any thought?

[2018-10-17T18:35:37,408][ERROR][ ] Looks like you either have a bad certificate, an invalid key or your private key was not in PKCS8 format.

[2018-10-17T18:35:37,504][ERROR][ ] Looks like you either have a bad certificate, an invalid key or your private key was not in PKCS8 format.

[2018-10-17T18:35:37,520][ERROR][ ] Looks like you either have a bad certificate, an invalid key or your private key was not in PKCS8 format.

[2018-10-17T18:35:37,574][ERROR][ ] Looks like you either have a bad certificate, an invalid key or your private key was not in PKCS8 format.

[2018-10-17T18:35:37,751][ERROR][ ] Looks like you either have a bad certificate, an invalid key or your private key was not in PKCS8 format.

Anything I didn't do correctly?

This is our showstopper now...

Thanks a lot


Unfortunately the Logstash error message is not very helpful.

Have you tried to test your certificates + keys with openssl s_server (create server endpoint) and openssl s_client (client used to debug connection and TLS setup in conjunction with s_server)?


Once you converted the private key to pkcs8, I see you're still seeing the "Looks like you either have a bad certificate.." log message, are you also still seeing java stack traces that you could post? those provide extra insight into what is causing the issue.

Also, I see that you have setup ssl_key, ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_authorities the same way in beats input and filebeat, is this intended? can you explain how your pki is setup?

Thanks, this has been resolved... this was due to the certificates and keys I used were not right.
Our Security team helped to fixed this.

Thanks again for your help


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