Filebeat missing authentication

Dear steffens
in order to create role and user, the steps mentioned in following link has been done as bellow:

   POST _xpack/security/role/beat_writer
    "cluster": ["manage_index_templates", "monitor"],
   "indices": [
  "names": [ "filebeat-*", "metricbeat-*", "packetbeat-*" ], 
  "privileges": ["read","write","create_index"]


     POST /_xpack/security/user/beat_user
      "password" : "changeme",
      "roles" : [ "beat_writer"],
     "full_name" : "Internal Beat User"

hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
username: "beat_user"
password: "changeme"

but still i cannot see any indices in the "index patterns" part of kibana console (i have been logged in using elastic (admin) user).
also i use following command to check the existence of index which still there is no "filebeat" index

 GET /_cat/indices

could you please advise me about this issue?

Also, i checked the logs of elasticsearch which everything seems ok and there is no error