Filebeat modules + Elastic Cloud

I'm following the official documentation to try out Filebeat modules, together with Elastic Cloud, but I'm getting this error when generating some log files.

filebeat | 2019-09-03T16:18:31.368Z ERROR elasticsearch/client.go:343 Failed to perform any bulk index operations: 500 Internal Server Error: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"There are no ingest nodes in this cluster, unable to forward request to an ingest node."}],"type":"illegal_state_exception","reason":"There are no ingest nodes in this cluster, unable to forward request to an ingest node."},"status":500}

That I'm missing?

Can you file a ticket at That is a weird error, I think having the cluster id and other details would help. I can post a resolution back here when it's fixed for future googling generations!

Did you tried removing the and cloud.auth configuration?
I got strange problems using configuration and im using only
and point directly to the server.

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