Filebeat mongo module, grok pattern is incorrect for Mongo 4

I am trying to use Filebeat to send MongoDB 4 logs to Elastic and it is failing.

I have a log messages from Mongo that grok is failing to match against the supplied fields, e.g.

2018-09-25T05:16:13.012+0000 I STORAGE [WT RecordStoreThread:] WiredTiger record store oplog truncation finished in: 1ms

This results in:
Provided Grok expressions do not match field value: [2018-09-25T05:16:13.012+0000 I STORAGE [WT RecordStoreThread:] WiredTiger record store oplog truncation finished in: 1ms]

I am using the packaged filter from

"grok": { "field": "message", "patterns":[ "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:mongodb.log.timestamp} %{WORD:mongodb.log.severity} %{WORD:mongodb.log.component} \\s*\\[%{WORD:mongodb.log.context}\\] %{GREEDYDATA:mongodb.log.message}" ], "ignore_missing": true }

Based on the documentation (

type: keyword

example: initandlisten

Context of message

So mongodb.log.context is a keyword, but the message I get from Mongo is clearly no longer a single word, e.g.
[WT RecordStoreThread:]

My question is are there any known workarounds for this issue?

Hello @Matthew_Zeemann, I took a quick look at the code and you are right this is seems a new behavior in mongo 4 the tests that we have in place are for 3.x.

I think changing the WORD pattern for GREEDYDATA will work in that case. Something like the following.

%{WORD:mongodb.log.severity} %{WORD:mongodb.log.component} 
\\s*\\[%{GREEDYDATA:mongodb.log.context}\\] %{GREEDYDATA:mongodb.log.message}"

Can you create an issue on our issue tracker for that? if you can test it out that would be awesome.

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