Filebeat not using configured path on Windows

For this configuration:

###################### Filebeat Configuration Example #########################

# This file is an example configuration file highlighting only the most common
# options. The filebeat.full.yml file from the same directory contains all the
# supported options with more comments. You can use it as a reference.
# You can find the full configuration reference here:

#=========================== Filebeat prospectors =============================


# Each - is a prospector. Most options can be set at the prospector level, so
# you can use different prospectors for various configurations.
# Below are the prospector specific configurations.

- input_type: log

  # Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
    #- /var/log/*.log
    #- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
    - d:\workspace\Indexers\tempIIS\*

When I start filebeat with this command

filebeat -c filebeat.yml -v -d "*"

this is what I get:

2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Metrics logging every 30s 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Home path: [C:\Program Files\Filebeat] Config path: [C:\Program Files\Filebeat] Data path: [C:\Program Files\Filebeat\data] Logs path: [C:\Program Files\Filebeat\logs] 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 5.1.2 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG Processors: 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG Initializing output plugins 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Loading template enabled. Reading template file: C:\Program Files\Filebeat\filebeat.template.json 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Loading template enabled for Elasticsearch 2.x. Reading template file: C:\Program Files\Filebeat\filebeat.template-es2x.json 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Activated elasticsearch as output plugin. 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG Create output worker 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG No output is defined to store the topology. The server fields might not be filled. 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Publisher name: SAVCORP360 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Flush Interval set to: 1s 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Max Bulk Size set to: 50 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG create bulk processing worker (interval=1s, bulk size=50) 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO filebeat start running. 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG Windows is interactive: true 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Registry file set to: C:\Program Files\Filebeat\data\registry 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Loading registrar data from C:\Program Files\Filebeat\data\registry 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO States Loaded from registrar: 0 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Loading Prospectors: 1 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Starting Registrar 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Start sending events to output 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Starting spooler: spool_size: 2048; idle_timeout: 5s 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG exclude_files: [] 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Prospector with previous states loaded: 0 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG File Configs: [/var/log/*.log] 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Loading Prospectors completed. Number of prospectors: 1 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO All prospectors are initialised and running with 0 states to persist 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG Starting prospector 0 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 INFO Starting prospector of type: log 2017-01-24T09:51:45-08:00 DBG Start next scan

  • Why is the File Configs: [var/log/*.log]?

  • How to I identify that once the system is started the prospector is looking at the correct configured path?

This is on a Window server.

When I moved the directory from not being in Program Files and put it in another directory that seems to have corrected it

So I'm confused on how to get this configured based on the documentation when I configure as a service it puts registry stuff in a Hidden directory ProgramsData and when I run it command line it puts it in the home directory under data and I was not able to get it working running as a service but will play around with that later

You can configure the location of the registry file with filebeat.registry_file:. It depends on what the path.* variables are set to.

Make sure you point to the correct config file when running filebeat.

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