Filebeat on RHEL5.x?


I saw that filebeat is not available for RHEL 5.x.

Is it just not tested or does it not work?
We are planing to introduce elastics stack to an older project. Unfortunately some machines are still running on RHEL 5.x, But I would like to get the logs from there.

What are my alternatives? Different log shipper like nxlog? Is that still compatible with LS 6.x?
Does filebeat work good via share? For example run filebeat on a RHEL 6.x or 7.x and collect data from the old machines via share and push it forward to LS?

What do you suggest (except for updating the old OS)?
Thanks, Andreas
Regards, Andreas

The main problem for RHEL 5.x is the old kernel version. Golang (which Filebeat is based on) only supports newer kernels:

It's not recommend to use filebeat on shared volumes. You could use syslog to push your logs to Logstash and forward it from there to Elasticsearch?

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