Filebeat registry/log.json size keeps increasing though there are no new log entries in my application log

Filebeat is making entry to log.json file even though are no new logs being added to my application log file.

Below is the excerpt of the log.json file


Please note:
I have read the following pages already and using the options specified in the page :

OS : CentOS Linux 7
Filebeat verion : 8.5.3

Desperately need help.

Thank You,

Filebeat.yml config for the above log

- type: log
	enabled: true
	ignore_older: 24h
	close_inactive: 24h
	close_renamed: true
	close_removed: true
		- /var/log/usr/local/application/backend.log
	multiline.pattern: '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}'
	multiline.negate: true
	multiline.match: after

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