Filebeat run at startup


I am trying to set up a Filebeat to collect the MacOS endpoint logs.
May I know any command or general setting I could set to autostart the Filebeat after rebooting the MacOS?

Best Regards,

Leo Yeung


did you install filebeat using brew ?


check this too,

Hi, thanks for the reply.
Here is my plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

After I loaded it in my launchctl, it would show the following error

launchctl list | grep filebeat

  • 1 co.elastic.filebeat

system.log:[1] (co.elastic.filebeat[74508]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

Any advice?


i used brew for filebeat installation which created by default the plist file,

/opt/homebrew/bin/brew list filebeat
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/filebeat/8.2.0/.bottle/etc/ (25 files)
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/filebeat/8.2.0/kibana/7/ (181 files)

i added services formulae to the brew

 /opt/homebrew/bin/brew tap  homebrew/services

Then i started the Filebeat service

/opt/homebrew/bin/brew start services filebeat
[sudo] brew services start (formula|--all|--file=):
    Start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login
(or boot).

to check the service status

/opt/homebrew/bin/brew services info filebeat
filebeat (homebrew.mxcl.filebeat)
Running: ✔
Loaded: ✔
Schedulable: ✘
User: username
PID: number

i rebooted the Mac and the Filebeat service was running.


Thanks for the reply.

As some requirement, it can't install via homebrew.

Any alternative way to do so?



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