Filebeat service is failing again and again


Do you have any filebeat logs? If so you need to share.

Also, since the systemd service is failing you need to look at the system log, look at /var/log/syslog for any hint of why filebeat is failing.

I recommend trying to start filebet again to get fresh logs.

Tons of logs came when I did cat /var/log/syslog so I am not able to understand whats the error. But when I do filebeat run I get these logs:

Exiting: Error importing Kibana dashboards: fail to import the dashboards in Kibana: Error importing directory /home/ubuntu/filebeat-7.17.2-linux-x86_64/kibana: Failed to import dashboard: Failed to load directory /home/ubuntu/filebeat-7.17.2-linux-x86_64/kibana/7/dashboard: error loading /home/ubuntu/filebeat-7.17.2-linux-x86_64/kibana/7/dashboard/046212a0-a2a1-11e7-928f-5dbe6f6f5519-ecs.json: returned 400 to import file: <nil>. Response: {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"[request body.objects]: expected value of type [array] but got [undefined]"} error loading /home/ubuntu/filebeat-7.17.2-linux-x86_64/kibana/7/dashboard/0b3dba40-f341-11ea-a3fd-1b45ec532bb3.json: returned 400 to import file: <nil>. Response: {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"[request body.objects]: expected value of type [array] but got [undefined]"} error loading /home/ubuntu/filebeat-7.17.2-linux-x86_64/kibana/7/dashboard/0d3f2380-fa78-11e6-ae9b-81e5311e8cab-ecs.json: returned 400 to import file: <ni

Do you have permissions on 046212a0-a2a1-11e7-928f-5dbe6f6f5519-ecs.json?
Is this a customized dashboard perhaps from newer version?

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