I get the error when I start the filebeat. How can I solve this?
ERROR instance/beat.go:951 Exiting: Failed to start crawler: starting input failed: Error while initializing input: Can only start an input when all related states are finished: {Id: native::9834799-64770, Finished: false, Fileinfo: &{scripts.log 2239159 436 {691295292 63739143450 0x607ff60} {64770 9834799 1 33204 1003 1003 0 0 2239159 4096 4392 {1603546679 297173250} {1603546650 691295292} {1603546650 691295292} [0 0 0]}}, Source: /home/test/application/release/current_release/scripts/log/scripts.log, Offset: 0, Timestamp: 2020-10-24 16:38:00.415859717 +0300 +03 m=+0.083381773, TTL: -1ns, Type: log, Meta: map[], FileStateOS: 9834799-64770}