Filebeat to Analyse Old Apache Logs

Hi there,

I have a set of old Apache logs that I have in an existing Elastic Stack, where it was piped in to the Elasticsearch node using Filebeat with no modules enabled.

I would like to analyse this set of old Apache logs now - the best way I can think of doing so is to copy the original Apache log file (from the host machine itself), and pasting it into another machine. Then, I will fire off Filebeat (with Apache module enabled) which will (in my mind) pipe each line in this duplicate Apache log file to a new Elasticsearch instance.

I tried to do a mini-testing of the above concept, by using the exact same idea, but with just 10 lines of old Apache logs. I do not see any results in Dashboard for Filebeat index pattern, except for one because of an error.

The error.message value is Provided Grok expressions do not match field value: [IP_Address - - [01/Dec/2021:00:00:00 +0000] \"\\x16\\x03\\x01\" 400 226]


  1. How do I make Filebeat pipe in a large number of lines in a file (in my case, Apache web logs) from a fresh instance of Filebeat + Elasticsearch. If my approach is inefficient, I hope to learn a better way.
  2. Understandably the above Apache log is atypical, but it did appear in my log file. Probably very low priority but I guess it might be good to have a last-resort catch-the-rest grok pattern for such cases in the module's pipeline(?)

Hi @inf,

For what I understood from your approach it seems correct.

Which version of Apache generated those logs? The apache module was tested with logs from versions 2.2.22 and 2.4.23.

The message you posted seems to have some binary data on it, that looks odd to me. Did you see any other errors on filebeat's logs?

Could you share your filebeat config and some log lines (please redact any sensitive information like IPs or credentials).

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