Filebeat warn issue depend to the pipeline (Index not found in kibana)


Trying to start filebeat service I'm getting this war that prevent to get the index showing in kibana.

2021-02-04T15:50:40.400+0100 WARN [elasticsearch] elasticsearch/client.go:407
Cannot index event publisher.Event{Content:beat.Event{Timestamp:time:Time{wall:xxxxxxxxxxx,
ext:xxxxxxxxxx, loc:(*time.Location) (0xXXXXXX)}, ------------------------------
Timestamp:time:Time{wall:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ext:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, loc:(*time.Location) (0xXXXXXX)}, TTL-1, Type: "Log",

This is the pipeline that i'm using

  "mypipeline" : {
      "description": "mydescription",
      "processor" : [
          "grok" : {
             "field" : "message",
             "patterns" : [ """ my pattern """ ]
           "date" : {
             "field" : "timestamp",
             "target_field": "@timestamp",
             "formats": [
                 "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
               "timezone": "Europe/Spain"
           "remove": {
               "field" : "timestamp"

Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

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