Filebeats on windows

Can someone please explain me how to get Filebeats working on Windows.

I have uploaded whatever I have in my windows server. Also I have configs ready on filebeat.yml.
I tried to execute filebeat.exe from command line and it says --

Directory of C:\Beats\filebeat-1.0.1-windows

01/27/2016 12:18 PM .
01/27/2016 12:18 PM ..
01/27/2016 12:18 PM 9,177,600 filebeat.exe
01/27/2016 12:18 PM 814 filebeat.template.json
01/27/2016 02:01 PM 14,936 filebeat.yml
01/27/2016 12:18 PM 442 install-service-filebeat.ps1
01/27/2016 12:18 PM 184 uninstall-service-filebeat.ps1
5 File(s) 9,193,976 bytes
2 Dir(s) 4,398,149,632 bytes free

Loading config file error: Failed to read /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml: open
filebeat/filebeat.yml: The system cannot find the path specified.. Exiting.

Hi @sd_karthik, please follow the Getting Started guide for Filebeat 1.0.1.

Yep, i tried installing it using the doc and looks like it works now. But however, it is still not streaming exact live logs..It stops after sometime streaming.

Where do I find filebeat logs on windows machine?
I need to see why the logs are not fully getiing streamed and why it is stopping like 1 min after i start filebeat on my windows machine.

The quickest way to debug Filebeat is to start it in the foreground and look at the console.

PS > Stop-Service filebeat
PS > .\filebeat.exe -c filebeat.yml -e -v -d "*"

Alternatively, you can also configure file based logging through the filebeat.yml file. You must restart the service after changing the config file. Add something like this.

  to_files: true
    path: C:/ProgramData/filebeat/Logs
  level: info

or for verbose logs use:

  to_files: true
    path: C:/ProgramData/filebeat/Logs
  level: debug
  selectors: ["*"]