Filter by min nested value

I have a bunch of documents of the form:

        title: string,
        comments: [
            comment_body: string,
            created_date: date,

How can I get the posts whose first comment is after a specific date? I've searched for a solution and read the documentation, and I've found a bunch of things about aggregations and querying nested values, but I haven't found a way to put everything together.


Have a look to this doc:

hope this help

Thank you for responding.

I did find that page about nested sorting in the documentation, but it doesn't solve the problem of filtering to posts whose first comment is after a specific date. Currently I have only discovered how to filter to posts that have any comment after a specific date, sorted by the earliest comment's date. However, that includes posts whose earliest comment is after the specified date, which is not what I want.


And if you do a boolean query like this:

must have nested comments after "the date"
must NOT have nested comment BEFORE "the date"

order by nested comment date

Does it solve the problem ?

That worked! Can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

For others who are looking for this in the future, here's an example query:

	query: {
		bool: {
			must: [
					nested: {
						path: 'comments',
						query: {
							bool: {
								must: [
										range: {
											'comments.created_date': {
												gte: '2017-07-24T15:57:25.145Z',
								must_not: [
										range: {
											'comments.created_date': {
												lt: '2017-07-24T15:57:25.145Z',
	size: 10000,
	sort: {
		'comments.created_date': {
			order: 'desc',
			mode: 'max',
			nested_path: 'comments',

:thumbsup: good to hear that ! You can mark as Resolved :wink:

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