Filter columns that are in array,

I have:

1    2    3    4    5
1    55   4    8    7
8    6    80   40   1

I have my pandas dataframe saved on elasticsearch index, each row is a document.

Now I want to retrieve all columns that are in list [1,5]

i.e. output shall be:

1    5
1    7
8    1

When I do :

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from import json_normalize
res ="index_name", body={ "query": {"match_all": {}}})
df = json_normalize(res['hits']['hits'])

I get my dataframe, but I don't want to load it completely, just want to retrieve specific columns, how do I do so?

Probably this won't help me completely, but will be done via filter only ES filter-term-array


Documents on ES are like:

    "_index": "index_name",
    "_type": "dataframe",
    "_id": "0",
    "_score": 1,
    "_source": {
      "1": 1,
      "2": 55,
      "3": 4,
      "4": 8,
      "5": 7,
      "index": 0

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