Filter documents using AND OR on array field

I have documents having a field called "filters" which is an array containing strings.
Example : ['A','B','C']
I want to make queries to filter documents, example of a query : ((('A' and 'C') or 'B') and ('A' or 'B'))
How can I do such queries ?

While there is no response to this.
I have used a queryBuilder in my client which produces rules composed of AND & OR.
An example of an output of this queryBuilder of the query ((('A' and 'C') or 'B') and ('A' or 'B')) =>


After this, I have created a recursive function that parse this query, and transform it to an ES query, "must" is dedicated to AND combinator, "should" is dedicated to OR combinator.
the function :

var transformFilter = (obj) => {
  if (obj.type == 'group') {
    return ({
      "bool": {
        [obj.combinator == 'and' ? 'must' : 'should']: => (transformFilter(rule)))
  else {
    return ({
      "term": {
        "filters": obj.value.value

the output :

> {
> "query":{
>     "bool":{
>         "must":[
>             {
>                 "bool":{
>                     "should":[
>                         {
>                             "term":{
>                                 "filters":"A"
>                             }
>                         },
>                         {
>                             "term":{
>                                 "filters":"B"
>                             }
>                         }
>                     ]
>                 }
>             },
>             {
>                 "bool":{
>                     "should":[
>                         {
>                             "term":{
>                                 "filters":"B"
>                             }
>                         },
>                         {
>                             "bool":{
>                                 "must":[
>                                     {
>                                         "term":{
>                                             "filters":"A"
>                                         }
>                                     },
>                                     {
>                                         "term":{
>                                             "filters":"C"
>                                         }
>                                     }
>                                 ]
>                             }
>                         }
>                     ]
>                 }
>             }
>         ]
>     }
> }
> }

Good Luck.

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