Filter don't filter and don't drop events in MongoDB log

Hi. I want to filter all events from MongoDB log except ACCESS component.
My config file is:

filter {
if [document_type] == "windows-mongodb" {
if [mongodb.log.component] != "ACCESS" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:mongodb.log.timestamp} %{WORD:mongodb.log.severity} %{WORD:mongodb.log.component} *\[%{WORD:mongodb.log.context}\] %{GREEDYDATA:mongodb.log.message}" }
I also tried:

if !( "ACCESS" in [message]) {

And tried this:

if "ACCESS" not in [message]) {

And in filebeat.yml I tried this:

exclude_lines: ['^!ACCESS']

And it don't work!! I get all components from the log.
Somebody can help me?

The test of mongodb.log.component comes before the grok that creates that field, so the test will never be true.

Also, field names containing . are not supported. They work most of the time, right up until they break things.

I put it after the grok too and it don't works. Also I changed it before to filed like "message" and it don't work

Show us an example message that Logstash didn't process correctly. Copy/paste from Kibana's JSON tab or use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output.

The message is:

"message": "2018-09-02T08:28:03.144+0100 I NETWORK [conn3037863] end connection (53 connections now open)"

The conf file for logstash has:

if [document_type] == "windows-mongodb" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:mongodb.log.timestamp} %{WORD:mongodb.log.severity} %{WORD:mongodb.log.component} *\[%{WORD:mongodb.log.context}\] %{GREEDYDATA:mongodb.log.message}" }
if [mongodb.log.component] != "ACCESS" {

In each filebeat.yml I added a new field document_type.

Please show he full message so we can see if document_type really contains "windows-mongodb" and whether there's a _grokparsefailure tag.

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