I am running Logstash 6.8 and trying to parse MongoDB logs which is well- specified here.
Is there a more elegant/efficient way to parse MongoDB logs? Here is my filter
filter {
if [fields][application] == 'mongodb' {
json {
source => "message"
target => "json_msg"
if "_jsonparsefailure" not in [tags] {
grok { match => { "[json_msg][log]" => "^([^,]*),(?<s>[^,]*),(?<c>[^,]*),(?<i>[^,]*),(?<ctx>[^,]*),(?<m>[^,]*),(?<attr>[^,]*),(?<ci>[^,]*),%{GREEDYDATA:cc}"} }
grok { match => { "s" => "^[^:]*[^\"]*\"(?<level>[^\"]*)" } }
grok { match => { "c" => "^[^:]*[^\"]*\"(?<component>[^\"]*)" } }
grok { match => { "ctx" => "^[^:]*[^\"]*\"(?<context>[^\"]*)" } }
grok { match => { "i" => "^[^:]*:(?<id>[\d]*)" } }
grok { match => { "m" => "^[^:]*[^\"]*\"(?<msg>[^\"]*)" } }
grok { match => { "attr" => "^[^:]*[^\"]*\"(?<attribute>[^\"]*)" } }
grok { match => { "ci" => "^[^:]*:(?<connection_id>[\d]*)" } }
grok { match => { "cc" => "^[^:]*:(?<connection_count>[\d]*)" } }
mutate {
replace => { "[@metadata][timestamp]" => "%{[json_msg][time]}"}
add_field => {"stream" => "%{[json_msg][stream]}"}
remove_field => ["s", "c", "ctx", "i", "m", "attr", "ci", "cc"]