Hi guys,
in my pipeline, filter section I use the http plugin in order to remove old data:
http {
url => "http://localhost:9200/test-main/_delete_by_query"
verb => "POST"
body_format => "json"
body => '{"query":{"bool":{"filter":[{"term":{"code":"%{[code]}"}},{"term":{"id":"%{[id]}"}},{"range":{"req-timestamp":{"lt":%{[req-timestamp]}}}}]}}}'
But I noticed that the query fails because the documents that match the query are still present.
I tried running the same query (substituting parameters by hand) in dev tool and it works fine. If instead I make a POST request with postman, I get code 200 OK, but the documents are not removed.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance