Filter to change the field name to be more user friendly


I have a log line for diskusage such as

disk-usage: [1]=76% [2]=26% [3]=26% [4]=24% [5]=24% [6]=28%

i used dissect and kv to get the values as needed .

    "@timestamp" => 2021-09-06T08:22:46.944Z,
             "4" => "24%",
             "1" => "76%",
             "6" => "28%",
             "5" => "24%",
             "3" => "26%",
             "2" => "26%"

However i needed to rename the field name to something more user friendly . such as renaming [1]=>"76%" to disk#1 => "76%" . I have logs from various machines that have varying number of disks on them . would mutate's rename filter help ? i tried and it doesnt seem to be working .

	mapping => {"message" => "%{time}|%{threadID}|%{?rest}:%{DISK}"}
	source => "DISK"
	trim_value => "="
	rename => {"[0-9]" => "Disk [0-9]"}

I explained how to do that the last time I answered this question for you.

Thank you @Badger :slight_smile: . I lost track of that thread .

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