Hi. I would like to perform a search query based on passing in an array of values to the search function in php. This array may or may not be an empty array. I would like to set the filter in such a way that it compares each element in the array against the chosen parameter, but allows everything to pass if an empty array is passed in. Currently what i have here is searching for an empty string in the chosen parameter, which therefore returns me no results (since I have no items will color = null). May I know how this can be done?
$a = array('');
$query = $client->search([
'index' => 'fruits',
'type' => 'fruit',
'from' => 0, 'size' => 9999,
'body' => [
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'should' => [
['match' => ['color' => ['query' => $q, 'boost' => 3]]],
['match' => ['name' => ['query' => $q, 'boost' => 0.5]]],
'filter' => [
['terms' => ['color' => $a]]