Filtering based on wildcard field name and synamicly adding them to _source

Hi everyone!
I have a doc the looks like this:

"field1_isChanged": "false",
"field1_value": "someVal1",
"field2_isChanged": "true",
"field2_value": "someVal2",
"field3_isChanged": "true",
"field3_value": "someVal3",
  1. What I would like to do is to search for the values of the fields that changed, in other words: find the values of FIELD where FIELD_isChanged = true.
    I tried:

     "query": {
     "query_string": {
       "fields": ["*_isChanged"],
       "query": "true"

But this return empty.
Is there a way do do this?

  1. when the search works, I don't want to see the entire doc, I want only the fields that matched the query. Usually, I would sort the fields I want to see in "_source", but here I don't know beforehand the names of the fields that will match, only that there FIELD_isChange is "true". Is there a way to dynamicly add field to _source? And how about using wildcard in the field name in _source?

Thanks to anyone who can help!

I have a question. Why not indexing fields individually instead of a document containing multiple fields?

Like how?
like this?

  "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
      "properties": {
        "FIELD": {

Can something like this can be done?
If you can elaborate on what you meant I could answer you more easly...

Like this:

PUT fields/_doc/1
  "field_isChanged": "false",
  "field_value": "someVal1"
PUT fields/_doc/2
  "field_isChanged": "true",
  "field_value": "someVal2"

I prefer not to do that because I have about 500+ fields, so sepertaing each field and sending http request for each one will be problematic.

May be. I don't know the use case but according to what you described, you are searching for specific fields. You said that you don't want to see other fields if I understood correctly.

So if you have:

  "field1_isChanged": "false",
  "field1_value": "someVal1",
  "field2_isChanged": "true",
  "field2_value": "someVal2",
  "field3_isChanged": "true",
  "field3_value": "someVal3"

when the search works, I don't want to see the entire doc, I want only the fields that matched the query.

So basically you'd like to see something:

  "field_isChanged": "true",
  "field_value": "someVal3"
  "field_isChanged": "true",
  "field_value": "someVal2"

If I'm wrong, it'd be better to share a real example.

You are right, this is what I want to achieve.
or in this example: get all fieldValue where field_isChanged = true.
Is there an easy way to do that?
I want to point out that, if possible, I would like to search for a field with wildcard, if I don't know the filed name in advance, for example:
get all FIELDValue where FIELDNAME_isChanged = true, and FIELD can be specific field or all fields that their respective FIELD_isChanged that matches the query. Can this wildcard style search can be done or will I need to search for specific field everytime?
But the idea of using field and adding attributes to the mapping is intriguing. Can I just add to a value a sub field of isChanged and solve the whole thing by searching for: fieldVal where field.ischanged = true (in the same way one adds raw:keyword to a field)?

I think you will need to do that on client side or may be with nested type field and inner hits...

so there is no way to get the results I want?

As I said, may be with nested type and inner hits.

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