Filtering Fields whose values are negative


I need a help on filtering the negative values in below logstash IF condition. Below code calculates the elapsed time. Some times i used to get the negative values for elapsed_time. How can i filter those negative values of elapsed_time while sending to output to elasticsearch in Output section.

 grok {
      match => {"message" => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}  %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{INT:serviceno:NUMBER} --- %{DATA:service_type} : %{WORD:process_state} %{GREEDYDATA:data}"}
      add_tag => [ "%{process_state}" ]
 date {
      match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601"]

 elapsed {
      unique_id_field => "serviceno"
      start_tag => "Initiating"
      end_tag => "EventThread"
      new_event_on_match => true
      add_tag => ["gip"]

 if "gip" in [tags] and "elapsed" in [tags] {
     aggregate {
          task_id => "%{serviceno}"
          code => "map['report'] = [(process_state['elapsed_time']*1000).to_i]"
          map_action => "update"
          end_of_task => true

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["hostname"]
index => "index_name"

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