Filtering specific range of lines from log using Filebeat


I am working on setting up ELK stack. My use case suggests to filter specific lines from logs using filebeat and send them to Logstash with custom fields appended.

Sample Log file:

    Log process started
	Scan started with ID 1 and MID 1
	Processing this event
	Event prod started
	Processing time is 1.2 seconds
	Scan Completed
	Dumping metadata to logs
	Metadata dump finished
	Processing threads stopped

I need to filter the lines from "Scan started with ID 1 and MID 1" to "Scan Completed" (In this log file, 2nd line to 4th last line)
I am expecting the filtered lines should be sent to logstash with ID and MID from logs to be prepended.

Scan started with ID 1 and MID 1
ID:1 MID:1 Processing this event
ID:1 MID:1 Event prod started
ID:1 MID:1 Processing time is 1.2 seconds
Scan Completed

I was thinking of using processors like include_fields [when: contains: has_fields: "Scan Started"].
Since, I am new to ELK, I am not very sure how to achieve filtering of specific range of lines.
Can someone please guide me.

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