Filtering two different nested fields in the same agg

I understand how to filter on two nested fields using sub aggregations and get individual doc_counts out of them, but I want to filter and count one nested field by the value of another nested field.

Imagine a document structure:

    some_other_property: "value",
    image: [{
        classification: [{
            label: "xyz",
            probability: 0.00,
        check: {
            flag: true

I've contrived the field names slightly.

I want to count the total sum of all image nested fields across all documents that have a specific label and probability and where the check flag is a specific value as well.

Is this even possible?

It seems that only a nested agg ({ "aggs": { "nested": ...}}) will properly count the nested image documents. Anything else just counts the parent document, but this, for example:

  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "classification": {
      "nested": {
        "path": "image.classification"
      "aggs": {
        "images": {
          "filter": {
            "bool": {
              "filter": [
                  "match_phrase": {
                    "image.classification.label": "other"
                  "range": {
                    "image.classification.probability": {
                      "gte": "0.9"
          "aggs": {
            "check": {
              "nested": {
                "path": "image.check"
              "aggs": {
                "known": {
                  "filter": {
                    "term": {
                      "image.check.flag": false

Returns something like this:

"aggregations" : {
    "classification" : {
      "doc_count" : 3414,
      "images" : {
        "doc_count" : 1107,
        "check" : {
          "doc_count" : 0,
          "known" : {
            "doc_count" : 0

I know for a fact that check and known should certainly be above 0.

Thanks for any help offered!

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