Hi Team,
We have 3 nodes cluster for Elasticsearch and all of them are master eligible + data node. If two of ES nodes were down the third ES node is not able to find master node which is expected.
Once this happens (two ES goes down), we wanted to make the third ES node as standalone master node with minimum config changes in elasticsearch.yml file.
When we tried doing it (modified discovery.seed_hosts and cluster.initial_master_nodes), but somehow the ES node still keeps the 3 nodes cluster information in index and never gets started (ERROR: master not discovered or elected yet, an election requires at least 2 nodes with ids from... ).
How to delete only the index that keeps the cluster information?
How to find which index keeps the cluster information only so that delete the required index by not touching the data set?
Note: Deleting the entire data node/folder solves our problem while doing so, we need to re-index the node and that takes some time to sync with database.
Regards | Bibhu