hi @iexpertini, that's a tough one to answer from the information provided.
if that App is using Kibana, it is 100% sure that it is also using Elasticsearch, since Kibana cannot be used as a standalone application, or without an Elasticsearch backend.
(iExpertini Web Design And App Developers)
But I want to know since I am using Wordpress. How I can call the Taxonomy in Search. My Taxonoy are like this
permalink: "DOMAIN.com",
terms: {
iwj_cat: [
term_id: 2478,
slug: "legal-law",
name: "Legal/Law",
parent: 0,
term_taxonomy_id: 2478
Should I use localhost:9200/indexname-1/post/_search/?q=QUERY+CATEGORY&size=10&from=20
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