Finding ip address ranges that contain a given ip address


assuming documents that have an object type defining an ip address range,
what would be the recommended way to retrieve documents for which the ip
range(s) contain a given ip address.

'ip_doc': {
'properties': {
'ip_range' : {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'from': {'type': 'ip'},
'to': {'type': 'ip'}

sample documents:
doc1 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to': ''
doc2 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to': ''
doc3 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to': ''

So for ip = '', doc1 and doc2 should be retrieved.



Hi Sylvain

assuming documents that have an object type defining an ip address
range, what would be the recommended way to retrieve documents for
which the ip range(s) contain a given ip address.

doc1 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to':
doc2 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to':
doc3 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to':

So for ip = '', doc1 and doc2 should be retrieved.

This will work:
curl -XGET '' -d '
"query" : {
"constant_score" : {
"filter" : {
"and" : [
"range" : {
"" : {
"gte" : ""
"range" : {
"ip_range.from" : {
"lte" : ""

One thing - you map your field as "ip_range" then you index your docs as
"ip_ranges" (with an "s"). I'm assuming that was an error and you you
only have a single ip_range per doc. If you have multiple ip_ranges,
then you will need to change the mapping from type "object" to type
"nested" and use a nested filter instead.



Hi Clint,

thanks for the help! We actually may have multiple ip ranges, so your tip
about using the nested type & filter is appreciated! I tried it and it
works, so thanks again.

Best regards,

On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 8:13:24 PM UTC+1, Clinton Gormley wrote:

Hi Sylvain

assuming documents that have an object type defining an ip address
range, what would be the recommended way to retrieve documents for
which the ip range(s) contain a given ip address.

doc1 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to':
doc2 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to':
doc3 = {'ip_doc': {'ip_ranges' : {'from': '', 'to':

So for ip = '', doc1 and doc2 should be retrieved.

This will work:
curl -XGET '' -d '
"query" : {
"constant_score" : {
"filter" : {
"and" : [
"range" : {
"" : {
"gte" : ""
"range" : {
"ip_range.from" : {
"lte" : ""

One thing - you map your field as "ip_range" then you index your docs as
"ip_ranges" (with an "s"). I'm assuming that was an error and you you
only have a single ip_range per doc. If you have multiple ip_ranges,
then you will need to change the mapping from type "object" to type
"nested" and use a nested filter instead.

