Finding the record for the maximum attempt

Hello Experts ,
I need some help to formulate a query. Below is my index and here is what i need to do

"Find persons who has scoreTotal field matching to 300 from their latest attempt

This means , if i were to search 300 into this index, i should only get "Minnie" in the response. Because she is the only one who has 300 score in her latest attempt.

Currently my query gives me Minnie and Naomie. But i am interested only in Minnie. How do i make sure i always check the scoreTotal for each of the person from their latest attempt ?

Appreciate your help in this .

    "games": {
        "game": "pingPong",
        "person": [
                "personName": "Dixie",
                "score": [
                        "scoreTotal": 500,
                        "attempt": 1
                        "scoreTotal": 200,
                        "attempt": 2
                "personName": "Minnie",
                "score": [
                        "scoreTotal": 876,
                        "attempt": 1
                        "scoreTotal": 300,
                        "attempt": 2
                "personName": "Naomi",
                "score": [
                        "scoreTotal": 300,
                        "attempt": 1
                        "scoreTotal": 400,
                        "attempt": 2
                        "scoreTotal": 500,
                        "attempt": 3

Here is my query for searching -

    "query": {
        "nested": {
            "path": "person",
            "query": {
                "nested": {
                    "path": "person.score",
                    "query": {
                        "bool": {
                            "must": [
                                    "match": {
                                        "person.score.scoreTotal": "300"

I'd think a top hits agg, sorting on the attempt, would get what you want?

Thanks for your response. Could you please provide an example of how the query would look like. The problem i was facing putting a sort inside the nested "Score". Also there could be other filters applied with this query. Like personName filter AND our score query.

Appreciate your help. I am sorry if i am asking something very easy. I am very rookie in this.

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