Fine Tuned Cluster - Consultation


Nowadays we're currently building our cluster and play with the different components for best performance.

  • Current Cluster Nodes:
    3 data nodes, each with 16 GB RAM, 6 CPU cores.
    3 master nodes, each with 4 GB RAM, 4 CPU cores.
  • Data:
    At the beginning we wanted to just make a big single index - but understood quickly it's bad for performance and maintenance. We found a way to make it time based, so we have a weekly index of about 100 GB. It's important to notice that our search granularity is usually 1 month - meaning that the search request involves 4 indices in practice.
    Refresh interval: 30 seconds.
  • Throughput:
    We have a low write throughput (about 50-100 documents per second) written in bulks. We don't really have many search requests per second. Let's say there are 10 users which make 6 concurrent searches once and a while. The search requests are 6 serious aggregation queries which runs in parallel to ElasticSearch. Each query consists of a bool query and a chained nested aggregation, filter aggregation and a terms aggregation sorted by reverse nested aggregation. Right now we don't use multi search API.

This is the best practice rules we know:

  • Shard size should be lower than 50 GB.
  • In 1 index: #Shards = #Nodes * #Cores in each node.
    By the way, the #Shards includes the replica shards or only primary shards?

We obviously know we need to strengthen the cluster.
We would like to hear about any general recommendation.

Hi ! There a few things that I used when trying to improve search performance:

  • read Tune for search speed
  • While running the queries use system monitoring tools such as htop, iotop and nethogs to determine what is the main bottleneck.
  • Use x-pack's profiler in kibana if you can.
  • Replicas are used when running the search query so I guess you can count them in your #Shards = #Nodes * #Cores rule

Hope this helps.

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