Firebase cloud functions where to find the elasticsearch credentials (username, password, url)

I'm trying to setup a firebase cloud function that will index to elastic search anytime an update to my firebase RTDB happen. Every tutorial I've seen is using
"Elasticsearch Certified by Bitnami" for the integration (for some unknown reason). I decided to go with Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch managed service) since this is "The official Elasticsearch experience on Google Cloud."

My question is where do I find these credentials (Bitnami users have them easily accessible in the google cloud interface) but I can't find them anywhere, ie username, password and url:

`firebase functions:config:set elasticsearch.username="user" elasticsearch.password="my_password" elasticsearch.url=""`

Ok so I'm a dumbass, those credentials were only needed when using Bitnami. Indexing worked fine with the url and private key provided in elastic cloud > access > credentials

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