I am trying to setup my first ES cluster with 3 nodes, all master. During the setup of the cluster I was rebooting the ES service on the nodes which seems to have corrupted some of the indexes in the nodes(I believe). I then removed the cluster configuration from elasticsearch.yml hoping this would make all the nodes all single nodes, not within the cluster anymore.
When checking the indexes, I see a number of them are in state red.
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v&pretty'
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
red open logstash-2017.05.20 yLfLmOpJQ4S4J8Ha4rucOQ 5 1 8365 0 8.1mb 8.1mb
I left the default setting for replication to 1, which I wrongly assumed that it wont replicate the data between the nodes.
My questions are:
1)can I recover from index in state red? Or do I need to delete it and start from scratch?
2)will all my indexes replicate in cluster by default?
3)Some of my indexes seem to have not been affected. If I restart the service of ES after I changed the configuration of the cluster in order to remove it from the cluster, is it possible they will get corrupted further?
If so, can I do a backup of index on the fly without having to configure a backup path, which would make me restart the service?