Fleet server managed elastic agent deployment in a azure managed kubernetes cluster running windows

I want help with elastic-agent daemonset deployment on an Azure managed Kubernetes cluster. This agent is configured on fleet server via a policy.
Searching online I found elastic-agent-managed-kubernetes.yaml file for deploying elastic-agent on an Azure managed kubernetes cluster. But the volumeMounts defined for the elastic-agent container specs are typically linux Mount points which are mounted from hostPaths like /proc, /sys/fs/cgroup, /var/lib/docker/containers, /var/log /etc, /var/lib, /etc/machine-id.
My problem is that I need this elastic-agent daemonset to be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster with nodes on Windows os (rather than Linux os).
How can these hostPaths (like /proc listed above) be converted to Windows specific paths ? and will that change work if deployed on a Kubernetes cluster nodes running on Windows os?

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