Fleet with own artifact registry fails cause of external GPG validation

I have in an environment as described here Air Gapped Env artifacts
hosted my own artifact registry. This is also cleanly queried during upgrade see log.
However, a GPG validation is attempted externally. But why? Where can I see more about this what am I missing except the settings in Fleet Management?

Log from elastic agent who acts as fleet-server.

Console Output

elastic-agent upgrade 8.10.4 --source-uri https://artifcats.mycompany.com:443
Error: Failed trigger upgrade of daemon: failed verification of agent binary: 2 errors occurred:
        * Get "https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elastic-agent": dial tcp [IPV6]:443: connect: connection timed out
        * Get "https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elastic-agent": dial tcp [IPV6]:443: connect: connection timed out
For help, please see our troubleshooting guide at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/fleet/8.9/fleet-troubleshooting.html

Fleet-Server log:

[elastic_agent][info] Upgrading agent
[elastic_agent][info] download from https://artifacts.mycompany.com:443/beats/elastic-agent/elastic-agent-8.10.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz completed in 5 seconds @ 112.2MBps
[elastic_agent][info] download from https://artifacts.mycompany.com:443/beats/elastic-agent/elastic-agent-8.10.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz.sha512 completed in Less than a second @ +InfYBps
[elastic_agent][info] Default PGP being appended
[elastic_agent][info] Default PGP being appended

I dont get it why this happens there are no explanation about handling signing.

Is this maybe an issue?

Even after doing the workaround here as decscribed here Workaround
I get a x509 because the certificate is not issued to artifacts.elastic.co. Nowhere can I find a setting how to disable the verification. I can't update the agents neither from the command line nor from the Fleet WebUI.

[elastic_agent][info] Default PGP being appended
[elastic_agent][info] Default PGP being appended
[elastic_agent][error] upgrade to version 8.10.4 failed: failed verification of agent binary: 2 errors occurred:
	* Get "https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elastic-agent": x509: certificate is valid for artifacts.mycompany.com, not artifacts.elastic.co
	* Get "https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elastic-agent": x509: certificate is valid for artifacts.mycompany.com, not artifacts.elastic.co

how is this supposed to work with a separate artifacts registry?

Seems related to this issue.

The simplest seems to be to uninstall the agent and reinstall it to version 8.10.3 or higher from scratch.
I haven't found another solution on my side with same problem.

danke für die Antwort. Ich hatte fast befürchtet, dass das so ist. Aber ich kann es fast immer noch nicht glauben. Das wird echt hart, da sind schon eine Elastic Agents ausgerollt.

Now in English sorry folks!
Thank you for your answer. I was almost afraid that this was the case. But I still almost can't believe it. It's going to be really hard, there are already some Elastic Agents rolled out.

Wouldn't the Option 2 described as a Workaround in the issue linked work in your case?

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