Full match on analyzed text field

Hi guys.

I'm looking for the way to query only fully matched string on analyzed text field.

For example, when I set "tasty" as synonym of "delicious", the indexed data will be like this:

1. "delicious apple"

term position 0: delicious
term position 0: tasty
term position 1: apple

2. "delicious apple and banana"

term position 0: delicious
term position 0: tasty
term position 1: apple
term position 2: and
term position 3: banana

Then, when I try to search "tasty apple" for fully matched field,
the expected result will be only document 1 not document 2.

So the purpose of querying "tasty apple" for fully match field is
to find word "tasty" as analyzed form on position 0 (which also includes delicious),
and "apple" as analyzed form on position 1.

I could not do this with term query or match phrase
because term query is for keyword field and match phrase query will also return document 2.

Any tip or advice will be helpful.


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