Functionbeat 1.11 cannot process more than one message on cloud function


When I deploy functionbeat 1.11 on a GCP Cloud function, functionbeat always crashes after having to deal with the second event coming from pub/sub.

Error message shows a panic crash like this :

WARN\t[cfgwarn]\tpubsub/pubsub.go:25\tBETA: Google Cloud Platform support is in beta
- 2021-05-04T16:58:29.958Z\tFATAL\t[functionbeat]\tinstance/beat.go:164\tFailed due to panic.\t{\"panic\": \"name version already used\", \"stack\": \"pubsub/vendor/ 
Function execution took 32 ms, finished with status: 'connection error'

This means only one message can be process through functionbeat before crashing. An ugly workaround is to setup a retry on the pub/sub topic but this make you spawn a lot of cloud function instances.

This issue has been traced here : GCP/FunctionBeat Errors [cannot find matching process for pid=1, name version already used] · Issue #25596 · elastic/beats · GitHub but it looks dead for months.

Does anyone know how much time it usually takes to have a fix for critical issue like this one ?

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