Gantt chart on Kibana using version 7.11

Hi @Marco_Liberati ,

thank you for the hit, below is an example of my file and what i want to do exactly, i have more that 3 fields.

i did this script like you mention before, but i'm still messing a lot of Data value from other Fields

  title: Runningtime durations
  data: {
url: {
  %context%: true
  %timefield%: Date
  index: index_tev_test
  body: {
format: {
  property: hits.hits
mark: bar
encoding: {
y: {
  field: _source.Date
  type: nominal
  axis: {title: "datum des Events"}
x: {
  field: _source.Basis
  type: ordinal
  axis: {title: "Basis"}
 x2: {
  field: _source.Steuer-Brutto
  type: ordinal
  axis: {title: "Steuer-Brutto"}
 x3: {
  field: _source.Vorbereitung TEV
  type: ordinal

i got this results

the plan is to get all values of the Fields, which mention in the first picture via Date Field in y- axis and Time (HH:mm) in x- axis.

when i add x2 and x3... to get all feilds in X axis, i can't see that in the Graph. Any suggestions from you, thank you.