Goog Morning.
I need to create a Gannt chart using Kibana. I know the first way to do that is using the Visualization section, introducing a Vega code. I need to visualize these fields from an Elastic Search Index: RoboId, StartTime, EndTime. I'm trying using the following code, but I'm getting a message about:
" Infinite extent for field "starttime": [Infinity, -Infinity] "
" Infinite extent for field "endtime": [Infinity, -Infinity] "
title: Gannt
data: {
url: {
%context%: true
%timefield%: starttime
index: cs_gannt
body: { }
format: {
property: hits.hits
mark: bar
// At this point the search values are exposed from the _source object
encoding: {
y: {
field: robotid
type: ordinal
x: {
field: starttime
type: temporal
x2: {
field: endtime
type: temporal
Can someone help me to undestrand where i'm doing wrong, providing a correct code?
Thanks so much...