Gantt chart with Vega using live data index

Hi all,
I am trying to build a gantt chart using vega for a sequence of test ran. We have ingested all the data into a index but I am having a hard time trying to plot the gantt chart. We have the start and end times for each test. I want to plot the chart to show on the Y - test name and on the x the start and end time for each test. because this is live data i could use avg of that incoming data.

You can find some Vega guidance to build a Gantt chart type in this thread: Gantt chart on Kibana using version 7.11

Hi Marco,
So I was using that thread to understand how to use it but I am still not able to get the data to show up from my index: My chart is completely empty.

Edit- In that thread they are using static data but I am trying to full from a Index in Elastic search

Static data was adopted only in the last part of the thread to simplify the Vega mapping process.
In the initial template the url property was used: Gantt chart on Kibana using version 7.11 - #2 by Marco_Liberati