Gantt Visualization Using Vega

Hi @maseca,

Given index maseca, with the following documents:

I was able to render a Gantt Visualization using the following:


  title: Gantt Visualization Using Vega

  data: {
    url: {
      // Apply dashboard context filters when set
      %context%: true
      // Filter the time picker (upper right corner) with this field
      %timefield%: start_time

See .search() documentation for :

      // Which index to search
      index: maseca

      body: {


    format: {property: "hits.hits"}

"mark": "bar",
  "encoding": {
    "y": {"field": "", "type": "nominal"},
    "x": {"field": "_source.start_time", "type": "nominal"},
    "x2": {"field": "_source.end_time", "type": "nominal"}

This will likely need some refinement to suit your needs, but hopefully this serves as a starting point for you.

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