Geo_distance sort removes scoring -- bug?

hi, i'm using the following query:

        var json = new {
            query = new {
                query_string = new {
                    fields = new string[] {
                                "BusinessName^1.0", "Teaser^0.2", 

"State^0.5", "City^0.5"
query = "restaurants",
use_dis_max = true
sort = new {
_geo_distance = new {
Location = "40.748470,-73.939180",
order = "asc",
unit = "mi"
from = 0,
size = 5

my results have _score = null

but if i remove the sort, the _score comes back

is this a bug?



Be sure to set track_scores to true:


On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Allison A. wrote:

hi, i'm using the following query:

        var json = new {
            query = new {
                query_string = new {
                    fields = new string[] {
                                "BusinessName^1.0", "Teaser^0.2",

"State^0.5", "City^0.5"
query = "restaurants",
use_dis_max = true
sort = new {
_geo_distance = new {
Location = "40.748470,-73.939180",
order = "asc",
unit = "mi"
from = 0,
size = 5

my results have _score = null

but if i remove the sort, the _score comes back

is this a bug?


